Schumann Wild Rose

Schumann Wild Rose
Dishes, dishes, dishes........

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

No-Table Tablescape Week

Just a brief note to let you know that there will be no table this week, but if the good Lord is willing, we will be back next week. Let me explain......

I was selected for Jury Duty February 22nd - glad to do my part and fulfill my civic duty. The Judge assured us of a swift, fair, and safe trial. All precautions were in place. Masks were required and we were spaced so I did not try to "worm" my way out of a three to four week sensational and horrific trial. That's where the story should have ended. However, in the next two weeks, the County leaders in their infinite wisdom determined it was safe to remove mask mandates and any idea of separation/distance from one another was gone.

You know where this is going.....the day after we reached a decision (after being in a 8x12 foot room for four days of "lively" banter and deliberation) and were excused, I received a call from the County Human Resources coordinator letting me know that one of the jurors has COVID and I should have a test and quarantine myself for five days, then wear a mask the next five days. 

So here I sit waiting out my time. Of the twelve people on the jury, only three of us continued to wear our masks. Because it inconvenienced them and was uncomfortable, the others chose not to. Not one of them would budge on this. Thus, we must all wait because of it. Sorry, I do truly feel sorry for which ever juror has COVID, but I am upset that some people were not considerate enough of others to continue to wear a mask. Of course, being the oldest (I am 72), I was probably more invested in mask and space mandates than most of them. But we must all now pay the price. COVID is real. It is not over yet.

Anyway, have a great week. Kindest regards. Katie


  1. Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry you're having to wait but thankful you continued to wear your mask. I pray you won't get sick and that anyone who does will recover quickly. Will check back next week!

  2. I stand (and sit), masked, with you!

  3. So very sorry. Hoping for continued good health. So happy you continued to be masked.
