Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Banned Books Week Tablescape

 "Any book worth banning is a book worth reading."  Isaac Asimov

I read banned books. I make it a deliberate undertaking. Every month I read at least one or two banned or challenged books - sometimes I have to work really hard to figure out why this book or that book was designated banned by some "authority" but I read it anyway.  I refuse to let someone tell me that I should not or cannot read a certain book. 

Thus, the theme for this week is "Banned Books." September 18th through the 24th is National Banned Book Week. Pat has been waiting months for this week to do a tablescape to highlight this inane, asinine restriction on people. 
At each place setting is a banned book. Of course, the "X" on the salad plate denotes rejection, danger, death - a sad state of affairs......

Flatware is very modern "Kaja Black" by Jankng
Glassware is "Jet Black" by Reizart
Pat made a centerpiece out of banned books held together by black alphabet bookends.
The dots on the spine of each book are my way of sorting books in my bookcases. "Yellow" means banned or challenged book/

Some of the books on the table - yes, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is on several banned book lists. What??!!?  Even Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain has been banned in some places.....Others not in the picture include: Ulysses, The Color Purple, Of Mice and Men (one of my favorites), A Farewell To Arms, Gone With the Wind, The Lord of the Rings, and the list goes on......

Where it came from:
White Place Mat - "Calvin Klein Home" from Tuesday Morning several years ago
Place Plate Mat - from Bed, Bath, and Beyond six or seven years ago
Dinnerware - Pattern name unknown by 10 Strawberry Street from Pat's collection
Flatware - "Kaya Black" by Jankng from eBay years ago
Glassware - "Jet Black" by Reizart from Replacements, Ltd.
Black Wooden Candle Holders - from Pier 1 five or six years ago
Wooden Alphabet Book Ends - from Amazon (always available)

This week, we will be joining "Tablescape Thursday" at Between Naps on the Porch: 


  1. Love this idea, love this table, and especially love the fact that I have read many of these books.

  2. This is brilliant, Ladies! The only reason I picked up Harry Potter was because it was banned and I was curious to see what was so bad about it. I couldn't put it down, and the rest is history! :) And what a great table design! I love the Xs and the centerpiece of books, the alphabet book ends, and the fabulous flatware. The red candles with the black and white are stunning and evocative, all at once. You've outdone yourselves this time! Thanks for the inspiration, and for such a thought provoking post.

  3. I love this! What a great idea. SO many of these books are classics IMHO so I'm with you. Not sure why they are banned. The table is wonderful and an honor to all these great pieces of literature. XO- MaryJo

  4. Clever. I'd love to have a place at that table!

  5. Clever setting...I will never understand why any book could possibly be banned - Of course it only makes it more popular to read! Your flatware is gorgeous

  6. Bravo! (I read your blog all the time but I've never posted before.)

  7. What a great table theme! Heaven only knows why some of those were banned but good for you for reading them.
